Foundation Courses

What are International Foundation Programmes?

International Foundation Programmes are specifically designed to help develop your English language and academic skills in preparation for a range of undergraduate degrees.

Is this programme right for you?

The International Foundation Programme offers an excellent opportunity to fully prepare for your undergraduate studies and adjust to life in the UK.
You will develop English language skills relevant to your subject, studying alongside other international students and guided by academics, tutors and support staff with experience in supporting international students in this important transition.

Which pathway should you study?

We have a range of exciting pathways that offer you the chance to study on almost all of the undergraduate degrees offered at UK Universities. These pathways are in:

  • Applied Science
  • Art, Design and Media
  • Business and Law
  • Computing
  • Engineering
  • Humanities and Social Science
  • And many more

What are the IELTS requirements?

International Foundation Programme is open to students with IELTS from 4.5, with no single element below 4.0. The length of your International Foundation Programme will depend on your IELTS level.

Undergraduate Courses

Accounting and Banking BA (Hons) (3 years)
Accounting and Banking BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Accounting and Economics BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Accounting and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) (3 years)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Accounting and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Banking and Finance BA (Hons) (3 years)
Banking and Finance BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Banking and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Business and Computer Information Systems BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business and Law BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Economics BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies HND (2 years)
Business Studies BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies and Finance BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies and Finance BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Business Studies and Marketing BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies and Marketing BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies with French BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies with German BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies with Italian BA (Hons) (3 years)
Business Studies with Spanish BA (Hons) (3 years)
Economics and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Economics and Spanish BA (Hons) (4 years)
Financial Economics BSc (Hons) (3 years)
French and Economics BA (Hons) (4 years)
French with Marketing BA (Hons) (4 years)
German and Economics BA (Hons) (4 years)
History and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Italian and Management BA (Hons) (4 years)
Management with Accounting BA (Hons) (3 years)
Management with Accounting BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Marketing BA (Hons) (3 years)
Marketing BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Marketing and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Marketing with French BA (Hons) (3 years)
Marketing with German BA (Hons) (3 years)
Marketing with Italian BA (Hons) (3 years)
Marketing with Spanish BA (Hons) (3 years)
Psychology with Business BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)

(European) Law with French LLB (Hons) (4 years)
(European) Law with German LLB (Hons) (4 years)
(European) Law with Italian LLB (Hons) (4 years)
(European) Law with Spanish LLB (Hons) (4 years)
Business and Law BA (Hons) (3 years)
English Law and French Law LLB (4 years)
Law LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law (2-Year Degree Scheme) LLB (Hons) (2 years)
Law with Accounting and Finance LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law with Business Studies LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law with Contemporary Chinese Studies LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law with English Literature LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law with Professional English (for International Students) LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Law with Social Policy LLB (Hons) (3 years)
Y GyfraithGyda’rGymraeg (Law with Welsh) LLB (Hons) (3 years)

Childhood Studies and Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)
Criminology & Criminal Justice and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Criminology and Criminal Justice BA (Hons) (3 years)
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSocSci (4 years)
Cymdeithaseg a PholisiCymdeithasol (Sociology and Social Policy) BA (Hons) (3 years)
Health & Social Care and Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)
Health and Social Care BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy MSocSci (4 years)
Social Policy and Criminology & Criminal Justice BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and History BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and Psychology BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology MSocSci (4 years)
Sociology and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology and Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)

French with Psychology BA (Hons) (4 years)
German with Psychology BA (Hons) (4 years)
Neuropsychology BSc (Intercalated) (1 years)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Psychology MSci (4 years)
Psychology with Business BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Psychology with Child and Language Development BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Psychology with Clinical and Health Psychology BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Psychology with Clinical and Health Psychology MSci (4 years)
Psychology with Neuropsychology BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and Psychology BA (Hons) (3 years)

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
Medical Biology BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Medical Biology MBiol (4 years)
Medical Sciences BMedSci (Hons) (3 years)

Adult Nursing BN (Hons) (3 years)
Children’s Nursing BN (Hons) (3 years)
Diagnostic Radiography BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Health Studies (Nursing) BSc (Hons) (2 years)
Learning Disability Nursing BN (Hons) (3 years)
Mental Health Nursing BN (Hons) (3 years)
Midwifery BM (Hons) (3 years)

Childhood Studies BA (Hons) (3 years)
Design and Technology Secondary Education BSc (Hons) with QTS (3 years)
Early Childhood and Learning Support Studies FdA
Primary Education BA (Hons) with QTS (3 years)
Product Design BSc (Hons) (3 years)

Childhood Studies and Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)
Criminology & Criminal Justice and Italian BA (Hons) (4 years)
Criminology and Criminal Justice BA (Hons) (3 years)
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSocSci (4 years)
Cymdeithaseg a PholisiCymdeithasol (Sociology and Social Policy) BA (Hons) (3 years)
Health & Social Care and Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)
Health and Social Care BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy MSocSci (4 years)
Social Policy and Criminology & Criminal Justice BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and History BA (Hons) (3 years)
Social Policy and Psychology BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology MSocSci (4 years)
Sociology and Economics BA (Hons) (3 years)
Sociology and Social Policy BA (Hons) (3 years)

Computer Systems Engineering BEng (Hons) (3 years)
Computer Systems Engineering BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Computer Systems Engineering MEng (4 years)
Control and Instrumentation Engineering MEng (4 years)
Critical Safety Engineering MEng (Hons) (4 years)
Electronic Engineering BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) (3 years)
Electronic Engineering MEng (4 years)
Electronic Engineering and Music BSc (Joint Hons) (3 years)
Music and Electronic Engineering BA (Joint Honours) (3 years)

Computer Information Systems BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Computer Information Systems for Business BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Computer Science for Business BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Computing and Oceanography BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Creative Technologies BSc (Hons) (3 years)
Oceanography and Computing MOcean (4 years)

Postgraduate Courses

Banking and Finance MBA
Banking and Law MBA
Chartered Banker MBA
Environmental Management MBA
Finance MBA
Information Management MBA
International Business MBA
International Marketing MBA
Islamic Banking and Finance MBA
Law and Management MBAManagement MBA

Banking and Finance MA
Banking and Law MA
Business and Marketing MA
Business with Consumer Psychology MA
Finance MA
Islamic Banking and Finance MA
Management and Finance MA

Broadband and Optical Communications MSc
Electronic Engineering MSc
Electronic Engineering MRes
Microwave photonics: Waveform Generation and Applications PhD
Nanotechnology and Microfabrication MSc
Relational Design MScRes

Education Doctorate ProgrammeEdD
Education Studies (Full-time) MA/PGDip/PGCert
Educational Leadership EdD
PGCE Primary with QTS (3-11) [Wales and beyond through the CaBan partnership] PGCE Primary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Biology PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Chemistry PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Design & Technology PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Geography PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Mathematics PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Outdoor Activities PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Physical Education PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)
PGCE Secondary – Physics PGCE Secondary leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (Wales & beyond through the CaBan partnership)

Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice MA/PGDip/PGCert
Criminology and Law MA
Criminology and Sociology MA/PGDip/PGCert
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Social Policy, Sociology MARes

Agriculture and Environment MRes
Agroforestry MSc
Conservation and Land Management MSc
Environmental and Business Management MSc
Environmental Forestry MSc
Environmental Management MBA
Environmental Sciences MSc by Research
Food Security in the Changing Environment MSc by Distance Learning
Forestry and Environmental Management degrees (TRANSFOR-M) MSc
Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) (Erasmus Mundus course) MSc
Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) (Erasmus Mundus course) MSc
Tropical Forestry MSc by Distance Learning
Tropical Forestry (International Commonwealth Scholarship) MSc by Distance Learning

Advanced Visualization, Virtual Environments and Computer Animation MRes
Computer Science MSc
Computer Science with Visualisation MSc

Biological Sciences MScRes
Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology MSc by Research
Molecular Biology with Biotechnology MSc
MSc Marine Biology

Chartered Banker MBA
Conservation and Land Management MSc
Environmental and Business Management MSc
Environmental Management MBA
Forestry and Environmental Management degrees (TRANSFOR-M) MSc
Information Management MBA
International Media and Management MSc
Investment Management MSc
Law and Management MBA
Management MBA
Management and Finance MSc
Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) (Erasmus Mundus course) MSc

Business and Marketing MA
Business with Consumer Psychology MSc
Business with Consumer Psychology MA
Consumer Psychology with Business MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Consumer Psychology with Business MA/PGDip/PGCert
International Business MBA
International Commercial and Business Law LLM
International Marketing MBA

ACCA Qualification Professional Development
Accounting MSc
Accounting and Banking MSc
Accounting and Finance MSc
Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, Management Studies and Marketing PhD/MPhil
Banking and Finance MBA
Banking and Finance MSc
Banking and Finance (Chartered Banker) MSc
Banking and Finance (Chartered Banker) MA
Banking and Law MBA
Banking and Law MA
Chartered Banker MBA
Finance MSc
Finance MBA
Investment Management MSc
Islamic Banking and Finance MSc
Islamic Banking and Finance MBA
Law and Banking LLM
Management and Finance MSc

Accounting MSc
Accounting and Banking MSc
Accounting and Finance MSc
Banking and Finance MSc
Business with Consumer Psychology MSc
Finance MSc
International Banking MSc
International Finance MSc
International Media Management MSc
Investment Management MSc
Islamic Banking and Finance MSc
Management and Finance MSc

Applied Linguistics for TEFL MA
Bilingualism MA
Language Acquisition and Development MSc
Linguistics MA
Arthurian Literature MA/PGDip
Creative Writing MA/PGDip
English Literature MA/PGDip

Film Studies MRes
Filmmaking: Concept to Screen MA

Agroforestry MSc
Environmental Forestry MSc
Forestry MSc by Distance Learning
Forestry and Environmental Management degrees (TRANSFOR-M) MSc
Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) (Erasmus Mundus course) MSc
Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) (Erasmus Mundus course) MSc

Acute Medical Care PGCert
Acute Surgical Care PGCert
Adult Nursing PGDip
Advanced Clinical Practice MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Advanced Clinical Practice (AHP) MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Advanced Healthcare Practice MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Advanced HEMS Practice MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Ageing and Dementia Studies Masters by Research
Ageing and Dementia Studies Professional Doctorate
Applied Health Research MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Chronic Disease Graduate Certificate
Contraception / Associated Health PGCert
Critical Care PGCert
Dementia Studies MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Diabetes Care and Management PGCert
Emergency Practitioner Graduate Certificate
General Practice Nursing Graduate Certificate
Health Economics Masters by Research
Leading Quality Improvement MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Legal and Ethical Concepts in Healthcare and Social Care PGCert
Mental Health PGCert
Mental Health Practice MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Midwifery Studies MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Non-surgical Aesthetic Medicine MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Optimising Breastfeeding PGCert
Optimising Childbirth PGCert
Palliative Care Practice PGCert
Physiotherapy PGDip
Prudent Healthcare PGCert
Public Health and Health Promotion (1 year, full-time / 2 years, part-time) MSc/PGDip/PGCert

Banking and Law MBA
Banking and Law MA
Criminology and Law MA
International Commercial and Business Law LLM
International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law LLM
International Intellectual Property Law LLM
International Law LLM
Law LLM Res
Law PhD/MPhil
Law and Banking LLM
Law and Criminology LLM
Law and Management MBA
Law of the Sea LLM
LLB (2-Year Law Conversion Course for Graduates) LLB
Maritime Law LLM
Procurement Law, Strategy and Practice by Distance Learning LLM
Public Procurement Law and Strategy LLM

International Media and Management MSc
Media MRes
Professional Writing, Film, Media, New Media, Journalism, Creative Studies, Drama, Professional Writing PhD/MPhil Practice-Led Research
Professional Writing, Film, Media, New Media, Journalism, Creative Studies, Drama, Professional Writing PhD/MPhil

Clinical Sciences MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Genomics and Precision Medicine MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Medical Education Practice PGCert
Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Molecular Medicine MRes
Physician Associate Studies MSc

Composition and Sonic Art MMus/PGDip Music MA/PGDip/PGCert
Music MPhil
Music MA by Research
Music MMus by Research
Music with Education MA/PGDip/PGCert
Performance MMus/PGDip

Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology MSc
Applied Sport Science MSc
Exercise Rehabilitation MSc
Sport and Exercise Physiology MRes/PGCert
Sport and Exercise Psychology MRes/PGCert
Sport and Exercise Psychology (BPS Accredited) MSc
Sport and Exercise Sciences MRes/PGCert

Applied Behaviour Analysis MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Applied Marketing Science MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Business with Consumer Psychology MA
Business with Consumer Psychology MSc
Clinical and Health Psychology MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Clinical Psychology DClinPsy
Consumer Psychology with Business MA/PGDip/PGCert
Consumer Psychology with Business MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Counselling MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Mindfulness-Based Approaches (3 years) MA/MSc
Mindfulness-Based Approaches (5 years) MA/MSc
Neuroimaging MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Positive Behaviour Support MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Psychological Research MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Psychology MA/PGDip/PGCert
Psychology MRes/PGCert
Psychology MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Sport and Exercise Psychology MRes/PGCert
Sport and Exercise Psychology (BPS Accredited) MSc

Applied Marine Geoscience MSc
Marine Biology MSc
Marine Environmental Protection MSc
Marine Renewable Energy MSc
Ocean Sciences MSc by Research
Physical Oceanography MSc