Our partnership model rests on a transparent and collaborative approach in order to align our partners’ mission, vision, goals and objectives, and position our partnerships for long-term success in our region. We provide our partners with access to resources and expertise to help drive large-scale initiatives that provide tangible, lasting benefits to students, faculty, staff and local communities.
To render the collaborative support, we offer the following services to our partners :
• Organizing spot admission seminar workshop on behalf of our foreign partner institutions.
• Maintaining liaison with foreign institutes& students.
• Distribute upgrade information among the students.
• Campaign for best promotion at local market.
• Assistance for advertising & marketing.
• Market research on behalf of international Universities/ Colleges / Institutes.
• Provide regular feed back on the market trends, changes that may be of benefit to the Institutes.
• Adverts, editorials in the national dailies and education related magazines.
• Visit selected local institutions including English Medium Schools, local Colleges and Universities.
• Arrange Seminars.
• Interview individual students.
• Attend Educational Fairs.
• Handle and respond to enquiries.
• Filter out unsuitable students.
• Verify student’s academic, financial and social background.
• Ensuring thorough Visa preparation to minimize any chances of visa rejection.
• Pre-departure orientation to students to ensure that they are well prepared to adopt to the university environment.
• Work closely with agencies such as Government Ministries, Embassies and others.
• RC will promote your institute in Bangladesh that will help you to make a BRAND image.
• RC will give all efforts to recruit a good number of clients for each month.
• RC will invite your institute for seminars and spot Admission before every intake. So that clients become familiar about your organization.
We are very careful in selecting clients for institutions according to the criteria specified by the respective institutions. When clients comes, we conduct interview of the client to check his/her eligibility and assess his/her grades and performances in his/her past studies/work. We enjoy a very high visa success rate because we accept clients who are perfect from every aspect.